What a fun weekend it was! We were busy, busy this past weekend, but had a lot of fun. The weekend both started with a bang and ended with a bang (literally).
Wesley went dove hunting for the first time with my dad and brother-in-law. He had so much fun and shot 6 doves. I was really proud of him, but still felt a little bad because he shot 6 poor innocent birds, but such is life. I called mom that morning and said, "Hunting season has begun and now my husband has a gun so I guess he will be kidnapped by dad every Saturday." I can't believe that my dad has rubbed off on him. I married a non-hunter, but now here he is, Mr. Hunter!!! :)
The day ended with the start of my beloved SEC football season. For any of you that don't know I absolutely LOVE college football. I can watch for hours and never get tired of it. I am one of those people who gets really into it whether I'm sitting in front of the TV or at the actual game. I scream, I holler, I yell, I dance, I do it all!!! I bleed orange and navy (I am an alumni and a proud one at that), but if Auburn is not playing Tennessee I will route for the Vols. Thankfully, both Auburn and Tennessee had good wins! WAR EAGLE!!!
Wes and I usually lay around and just relax on Sundays, but not this week. My dad called around 3pm and wanted us to go see Avatar with mom and him. Now I have seen Avatar before, but never like this. I saw the DVD version and that was quite a long time ago. We went to the Regal Cinema and saw it in IMAX 3D. It was incredible!!! There was so much more to see in 3D. I highly recommend it! I was afraid it would prompt one of my crazy migraines, but it didn't. My eyes felt a little sore afterwards, but no migraine.
After Avatar, Wes and I drove downtown for the annual Boomsday celebration. For those of you who ask "What is Boomsday?" It is only the biggest firework display on Labor Day. They shoot the fireworks off the Henley Street bridge right over the water. I swear it is bigger than July 4th. It was incredible! Wes said it was the best firework display he has ever seen. I LOVE fireworks and these were the best. I thought I was going to choke to death though on all the smoke. When the fireworks were over we noticed a lot of ash flying around in the air and that all of us had it all over our clothes and hair. It looked like we stepped right out of the movie The Road. I took some pictures, but believe me they do not do the show any justice. Plus due to our spot, I was unable to get many pictures of the actual bridge and there was some great stuff happening on the bridge itself. Here's a small taste though.

So now its Labor Day and I'm alone...BOO!!! After such a weekend filled with laughter and family (and complete strangers) it feels strange to be just "the boys" and me again. Sometimes I wish Wes got holidays off, but hospitals never close...but, honestly thanks everybody for an AWESOME weekend!!!